10429 Hickory Path Way
Knoxville, TN 37922

Degenerative Disc Disease: Chiropractic vs. Spinal Surgery

I talk about this every day with my new patients, and thought I’d take 2 minutes to discuss it here.

What causes spinal disc degeneration?

A disc is what separates the spinal vertebrae from each other. It acts as a cushion and when working correctly will allow for fluid, pain-free, normal range of motion. It also provides the space for the spinal nerves to exit the spinal cord just above the disc. When cervical or lumbar vertebrae are not aligned properly they will unevenly compress the disc, which will eventually lead to a disc bulge or even a herniation. As the disc continues to wear down, the space between the vertebrae reduces, exerting pressure on spinal nerves and the articulating surfaces of the vertebrae themselves (facets). This is called degenerative disc disease and osteoarthritis, respectively.

Spinal Surgery

A spinal surgeon will address this only after the condition is advanced and the patient has been experiencing intolerable pain for a while. The cost of these surgeries start at about $20,000 for a microdiscectomy (which will remove part of the disc that may be causing pain) to about $75k for a traditional discectomy. Spinal fusions cost $80k – $150k. If you have insurance you will most likely pay up to your maximum out-of-pocket, likely $5k or more. This does not include the cost of many months of post-surgical physical therapy, which is critically important to the recovery process.

A laminectomy, where the top of the spine is literally cut off to relieve stenosis (narrowing of the spine), will run $50k – $100k.

Those with degenerative disc disease were far less likely to be highly satisfied with surgery (54%) than those with a herniated disc (73%) or spinal stenosis (71%). (consumer reports).

Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic adjustments fix misaligned vertebrae (subluxations) and help prevent the cause of disc degeneration and osteoarthritis. Proper spinal alignment reduces or eliminates uneven disc wear and tear and helps prevent disc disease and debilitating osteoarthritis (now called degenerative joint disease).

All spinal vertebrae must be allowed to move through their full range of motion to prevent degeneration. Removing subluxations and addressing muscle tightness will keep your spine healthy by allowing it to move as it was intended. The cost of chiropractic care in this office is $45 and it is recommended every 1 to 2 months. The key, however, is preventative care.

Over the years I have seen a few patients whom I referred to a spinal surgeon. I hate to do that, but sometimes it is the only option. For most of those people, who had non-traumatic injuries, I know I could have helped prevent their pain and suffering, and give them improved quality of life if I had seen them sooner.

Here are four videos. The first is how chiropractic care can help prevent disc degeneration. The following are examples of spinal surgery for your consideration.




A video on disc degeneration and how chiropractic care can help


This animation makes this look clean and easy. The surgery is done through the front of the neck and as you can see from the videos below, it is anything but clean. Sometimes it is the only option, but is usually preventable.


How the below video is “minimally invasive” is beyond me. Two 4″ incisions rather than one 8″ incision, I guess.  It looks pretty invasive to me, however.


After watching this video you’ll get a sense for why recovery from spinal surgery often takes over six months. Strengthening exercises can’t even begin for three months.
